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Session 6: Health Equity, Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)


Canadian experience in reinforcing health equity, gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) - what works in settings of insecurity, conflict, and poor governance?


In a context where sexual and reproductive rights are increasingly under threat, where the gendered impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and rights are still being felt, where mis- and dis-information are rife, and where climate change threatens the very underpinnings of development, advocacy and action for health equity, gender equality and rights remain important and urgent.  Health equity and gender equality have a powerful ability to contribute to more peaceful and just societies. 

Panellists will respond to questions about:

  • Why is it important to engage on health equity, gender equality, and SRHR within fragile and humanitarian contexts?
  • What are the challenges of prioritizing health equity, gender equality, and SRHR in the current security-dominated and polarised environment?
    • Can you reflect on the challenges of backlash against gender equality, SRHR, evidence and HE specifically, how to manage and mitigate?
  • What has been the role of the FIAP in reframing how we design, implement, evaluate and advocate for gender-equitable health sector programming and how has this impacted on the overarching objective of creating equitable, just and peaceful societies?
    • How can localization efforts contribute to increasing gender equality and health equity, particularly in fragile contexts?
    • What are your thoughts and observations with respect to the FIAP and Canadian development and foreign policy vis a vis enhancing health equity, gender equality, and SRHR?


Tanya Salewski, Project Director at Alinea, is an experienced leader of global health, SRHR, gender equality and governance programming in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe. She has headed global health teams and initiatives with several Canadian organizations, working in collaboration with local institutions, country governments and UN agencies to improve the health and rights of women, children and young people around the world.

Presenters / Panellists:

Jessica Ferne currently serves as Director, Global Health Impact, with CanWaCH (Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health). In this role, Jessica leads CanWaCH’s strategic efforts to strengthen Canadian monitoring and evaluation processes, capacity, and collaborations, in order to drive evidence-driven programming and decision-making, with the ultimate aim of improving the health and lives of women, children, and youth. Prior to CanWaCH, Jessica served as Director of Programs for a Canadian-based humanitarian organisation. A passionate health rights advocate, Jessica has also worked in diverse senior program management, technical expert, research, and evaluation roles, with a particular focus on humanitarian action, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and youth engagement.

Leah Miller is the Senior Health and SRHR Specialist in Global Affairs Canada’s Health and Nutrition Bureau, where she provides technical advice for the implementation of the 10-Year Commitment for Global Health and Rights and leads on comprehensive sexuality education and HIV/AIDS. She has over 10 years experience in international development focused on resource development, gender equality, and women’s rights.  Leah has held positions with a range of Canadian organizations, including Cuso International and FINCA Canada. She has a Masters in Human Security and Peacebuilding from Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Colombia.

Merydth Holte-McKenzie is World Vision Canada's Senior Gender Equality Advisor with over 25 years’ experience in Canada and internationally in the areas of thought leadership, programming, policy, and strategy development. She has also lead multi-disciplinary and globally based teams implementing Canadian funded health programming work in Central America, South Asia and Africa. Her sectoral focus is on gender equality, sexual reproductive health and rights, nutrition, and social inclusion programs. Merydth has a Masters in International Public Health from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. 

Valerie Percival, PhD, is an Associate Professor and Associate Director at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs (NPSIA) at Carleton University. She most recently served as a Commissioner with the Lancet Commission on Peaceful Societies through Health Equity and Gender Equality, and was the lead researcher/author on the Commission Report.  Her current research focuses on the targeting of health services in conflict and understanding backlash against gender equality. She has held positions at the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade as well as the International Crisis Group, where she was director of their Kosovo Office. She also worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Guinea as well as the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).

#SexualReproductiveHealth #GenderEquality #HumanRights

@NPSIA, @Alinea, @CanWACH, @GlobalAffairsCanada @tanyasalewski @jessicaferne @karolinekemp @merydthholtemckenzie @valeriepercival
