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RFP: Feasibility study for providing education to out of school orphaned girls and girls with disabilities in Afghanistan

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 22 March 2019
RFP: Feasibility study for providing education to out of school orphaned girls and girls with disabilities in Afghanistan
About Leave No Girl Behind (LNGB) Fund
The Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) was launched by the UK Government (DFID) in 2012 as a 12-year commitment to reach the most marginalised girls in the world, and is the largest global fund dedicated to girls’ education. DFID is committed to ensuring millions of girls in some of the poorest countries, including girls who have disabilities or are at risk of being left behind, receive a quality education. Through the GEC, DFID aims to transform the lives of over one million of the world’s most marginalised girls through quality education and learning. Access to a good quality education and learning opportunities will empower these girls to secure a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. Leave No Girl Behind (LNGB) is a new initiative that was announced in July 2016 as part of the GEC. This initiative supports interventions providing literacy, numeracy and skills relevant for life and work to highly marginalised, adolescent girls who have never attended or have already dropped out of school.
About World University Service of Canada (WUSC)
World University Service of Canada (WUSC) is a leading Canadian international development organisation focusing in three programmatic areas: Economic Opportunities, Education, and Empowerment. Our vision is a better world for youth - a world where all young people, especially women, are empowered to secure a good quality of life for stronger families and communities. WUSC currently works in 25 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, with an annual budget of approximately CAD $45 million. We have a staff of over 90 people in our Ottawa office, and over 200 people overseas implementing 16 development projects in collaboration with donors such as Global Affairs Canada (GAC), the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the African Development Bank. Globally, we work with a network of higher education institutions, civil society organisations, private sector partners, professionals, students, volunteers, faculty and community leaders that work with us to achieve our mission.

With funding from the LNGB Window, WUSC seeks to procure a research and consulting firm to conduct a feasibility study to better understand the demographics, catchment area, needs and challenges of orphaned and unattended or marginalized girls in Afghanistan, including those with disabilities, particularly with respect to having access to and receiving a quality education. A secondary focus of this study will be to include an estimate of the prevalence of out of school girls, in selected provinces, in alignment with the LNGB Level 3 marginalisation criteria [See attached LNGB definition document]. This includes girls facing multiple forms of discrimination that are at high risk of dropping out of school / have dropped out of school and are unlikely to transition forward in their education, skills development or employment without intensive support. The results of this study will assist the Government of Afghanistan and DFID to develop a program to support these marginalised girls.

See the Requet For Proposal for additional information: 

Request For Proposal: Feasibility study for providing education to out of school orphaned girls and girls with disabilities in Afghanistan

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